district 32 minutes 16 august 2021 open with serenity prayer at 1900 concept 8 read by Dylan tradition 8 read by Aaron in attendance nic-dcm, savannah-secretary, ruth-gsr, angela-alt dcm, greg-treasurer, aaron-alt web, julie-gsr, dylan-archivist, linda-treatment,matt-gsr, tryo-gravpevine/lit, sam-guest motion to approve last months minutes made by linda seconded by dyaln-passed REPORTS Treatment-Linda area 72 treatment chair changed. reaching out to senior living facilities Grapevine/Lit-Troy new book on prayer and meditation out in september 11.50 each or buy 5 or more 10.50 each new publisher - Chris C Archivist-Dylan went to quarterly, biggest topic was giving archivist a vote, discussion topic for new business Alt DCM- Angela attended preassembly, contact for GSR pamphlets DCM-Nic attended preassembly will go over motions and discussion topic. Open Positions accessabilities- Sam here for position, qualfied and voted in as chair Alt web-Aaron- new schedules are out, let webmaster know of any changes New business Record district meeting -max out on storage -thumbdrive for each year -consent before each meeting PASSED motions from preassembly -motion one move to WW area 72 fund spanish interpratation when hosting PNC -motion two move to hold 2021 assembly via zoom and vote weather to hold 2025 assembly at the lynnwood convention center or pay contract obligations -motion three move that WW area 72 create a district for the onlikne groups in the area. -motion four move that area 72 adopt current and future GSO practices regardl=ing contribution limits -discussion topic is the area archivist an area appointed trusted servant? audio recorder to record district meetings closed at 2042 with responsibility statement.