19 july 2021 district 32 business meeting open with serenity prayer at 1900 concept 7 read by casey tradition 7 read by dylan in attendance Nic-dcm, savannah- secretary, angela-alt dcm, casey- events, dylan-archivist, caroline-3rd legacy, aaron-alt web susan-gsr, yvonne-gsr, greg-treas, heather-pi, troy-lit/gv, julie-gsr, tony-cpc, dan-gsr, jean paul- school panels, bridgette-guest speaker, ruth-gsr, linda-treatment, david-gsr 15 voting memebers present motion to accept previous months minutes made by dylan seconded by angela - motion passes PRESENTATION from Bridgette about remote communities and reaching out. will havemore information when pamphlet is avaliable. barriers are from language, culture, geography. for more information you cam email at RemoteCommunities@area72aa.org reports treasurer report attatched events report attatched old business treatment bridging the gap form, discussion and clarifications were made- can be used for treatment, panels, anyone seeking help to get into AA voted 15 for - passed distrcit in need of updated meeting schedules, web and alt web chair to update meetingsbefore printing, print every 6 months voted 13 for - passed Open positions CPC Accessabilities Corrections Dan P present for corrections chair - voted in DCM - attended quarterly - big book getting a 5th edition fo=isrt 164 pages wont change. - motions and discussion topics for October assembly are posted on Area72aa.org - take motions to groups to vote and bring vote to assembly. Treatment meets the second sunday of the month at 1400 via zoom motion to close - closed with responsibility statement at 2036